Windows activation on Proxmox

This is a quick guide on how to pass through the OEM windows activation if you’re using a Dell workstation to run Proxmox.

Record the UUID, Manufacturer, Product Name, and Serial Number of this command.

dmidecode | grep -A8 'System Information'
cat /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/MSDM > /etc/pve/slic_table

Add the 4 peices of info from the first command in the SMBIOS settings (type1) option field of the VM.

Edit the config fiel of the vm and add or edit this line

args: -acpitable file=/etc/pve/slic_table

When the VM boots, it should be activated. As a note, because you’re using the system’s license for activation, the VM needs to remain on the proxmox host you set this up on.
